Hello 2018!

Did you see our Christmas Card picture?
2017 proved to be another very busy, fun, and successful year for the whole team. We continued to serve our regular clients who have supported us over many years, welcomed many new clients and worked on some very exciting projects. Some of the projects we continued our work on included:
Queen's Wharf Integrated Resort Development;
SRACC & Herston Health Quarter Redevelopment;
Mount Lofty Toowoomba Defence Housing Australia Masterplan;
Spicers Hidden Vale;
John Flynn Hospital Expansion;
St Andrew’s Hospital Ipswich Expansion;
Ozcare, Hervey Bay;
Hutchinson Builder’s Office Expansion; and
QG1 Residential Tower.
And some of 2017's new projects included:
Costco, Ipswich;
InterlinkSQ Logistics Hub;
Ipswich City Heart Masterplan;
Wallace Bishop Redevelopment, Newstead;
Bowen Solar Farm;
Brigidine College - New Administration Building and Technology Centre; and
Park Ridge Metropolitan Park and Waterford West District Sports Park Masterplans.
The team also provided advice on nearly 50 commercial, retail and mixed use developments, nearly 40 service stations and convenience retail centres, 32 residential developments, 17 signage projects, 16 industrial projects, 10 tourism and recreational developments, 10 healthcare facilities, nine aged care facilities, eight materplanned developments, seven childcare centres, five cultural developments, four educational institutions, and provided expert witness advice in over 30 appeals. But who's counting?
It's our tradition to make a donation to a charity each year, and this year we chose:
Share the Dignity - It's in the Bag Each November, Share the Dignity collects handbags filled with personal care products which are distributed as Christmas gifts through partner shelters and other charitable organisations. Partner charities give them to homeless, at-risk and women experiencing domestic violence.
The Australian Wildlife Conservancy was established more than 10 years ago because Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate in the world, and a very high proportion of our surviving animals and plants (over 1,700 species) are listed as threatened with extinction. Their strategy is simple: Establish sanctuaries by acquiring land and through partnerships with landholders and Implement practical land management – feral animal control and fire management – informed by good science.
We're looking forward to another traffic-packed year in 2018, so don't hesitate to get in touch if you're after some traffic and transport related input on your next project.
From all of us at Cambray Consulting, we hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and we look forward to working with you again this year!