Signal Design and Coordination
Traffic signals, when fully optimised and well co-ordinated, can achieve significantly improved operating conditions, often deferring the need for more costly infrastructure upgrades.
Our team members have contributed to the achievement of significant operational benefits through the application of innovative and organic approaches to signal control and coordination. Relevant team member involvement includes:
Signal Design, Programming, and/or Coordination
Programming all of Darwin’s signalised intersections in CGEN
Gold Coast – Springbrook Road / Mudgeeraba Road / Hinkler Drive signal design
Airport Drive Roundabout signal design
Bridge Street / Mary Street signalisation, Toowoomba
Sandgate Road Signal Coordination, including special plans for events held at Boondall Entertainment Centre
Beaudesert Road Signal Coordination
Gympie Road / Lutwyche Road Signal Coordination
Milton Road / Croydon Street / Jephson Street Signal Coordination
Coronation Drive / Sylvan Road / High Street Signal Coordination (including special transition phases and plans)
Nundah Bypass Signal Design
Vanderlin Drive / Trower Road / University Avenue, Darwin
Tiger Brennan Drive Signal Design, Darwin, including provisions for road train movements
Stuart Highway, Ross Smith Avenue to Berrimah Road, including special emergency vehicle (fire) phasing and sequence
Stuart Highway / Larapinta Drive /Rail Crossing, special rail phase sequence, Alice Springs

Our team members have also been involved in a number of cutting edge projects in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including:
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
ITS for Brisbane Study
Coronation Drive Tidal Flow Bus Lane Control System - Concept, Specification, Planning, Design, Commissioning and Post Implementation Review
Coronation Drive Tidal T2 Lane Control System
M4 / M5 Cashback Audit System Automation
Monash, CityLink, Westgate Freeway Management System ITS Specification, Melbourne